Monday 6 April 2015


Game of Thrones – Season V is going to air on Television on 12 April. This is one of the most addictive shows in the Television History more than Breaking Bad, Prison Break, and How I Met Your Mother etc. Believe me! I have not seen a single individual of my generation who does not like this show. The story plot – The Characters – Effects – Twists – WTF moments everything is planned in this series - so well that you cannot find any error. I have recently written one article on the “Relationship between GoT and Life” you can read it also here. However, this article is about my expectations related to season V. We cannot predict what David Benioff & D.B. Weiss are going to serve us in this series, Fans may add a number of theories, but trust me they all will be useless and totally opposite we see on the TV. You can’t expect what we will see in the next episode. Hence, let us start what I am expecting from this season-
Well Starks are the most vital characters in the series. Let’s talk about Arya and Sansa – In the last episode of season – 4 we saw Arya heading for the bravos – the free city. From the trailers of season – V we can conclude that Arya will be a badass from now. No mercy - an assassin - a killer, well, I am excited for her role, which will be completely different from the previous seasons. Sansa will play from her mind, she is not like Arya – She can’t carry sword but she will be a “player among pawns”– we will see a version of Lord Baelish in her - who is callous and brainy. Jon Snow is a major character and we cannot think anything wrong against him, he is a warrior and somehow stands apart from the rest of the characters and yes “He still knows nothing”. Brandon & Rickon, we have not seen much Rickon from season -3 so cannot expect him in this season as well. Also, as per the rumors we won’t see Brandon as well, but if we see him – I expect him to fly! Remember something? #BloodRaven
EXPECTATION- Expecting Arya to be a ruthless warrior & Sansa the gamer. Jon must win the trust of Stannis & Brandon must learn to fly!
·         LANNISTERS
Well, one of the most hated characters ever in any TV show. Except Tyrion, people won’t like any Lannister either its Tywin, Cersei, Jaime, or Jeoffery. Tyrion is the backbone of this show and 9 out of 10 people watch this show due to his wittiness. He is a great person not a pawn do not underestimate him due to his size, he has the ability to outplay any of his opponent. However, his family doesn’t like him except Jaime, his father & his sister – Cersei tried a number of times to kill him. His bonding with Lord Varys will be a fun to watch – two “birds of same feathers will flock together”. Let’s talk about Cersei – as per my knowledge she will face a tough time in King’s Landing. People don’t like her at all and believe me we will witness a number of WTF moments about Cersei, perhaps nude as well. Jaime will have a new crush apart from his relationship with his sister. He is important, but this time Cersei will be in the hub of everyone. This is my expectation & it may be wrong.
EXPECTATION- The Lannisters must pay their debts; Cersei must pay for her sins, perhaps some blood on the side of the Lannisters.
·         TARGARYEN
After Starks & Lannisters – the house of Targaryen is very popular and powerful in Westeros. Daenerys is the last dragon and she is uniting a big army of slaves as the iron – throne belongs to her. However, this time she will face a big rebellion from the people of Meeren. A big revolt from the side of people and perhaps she will survive due to her dragon, the big black one! She may have the support of Tyrion-Varys in the later episodes, and perhaps both will lead her to the throne as she deserves to be there! She has the right claim of the iron - throne.
EXPECTATION- Stormburn will face a hard time in this season, but her collaboration with Varys-Tyrion will be beneficial.
Stannis, one of the most powerful characters in the series. Stannis has a claim on the Iron Throne – he is ambitious, he is experienced & he has the royal blood. However, one thing is still suspicious – Lady Melisandre. I don’t know what she is planning – what is the aim of this “red woman” & her “Lord of light”. I think she will sacrifice each & every one closer to Stannis, as per the trend my guess is correct till now. He was in the “Castle Black” – He & Jon Snow will pair up, but don’t know where he will use Jon. Regarding “the red woman” don’t know what she is planning!
EXPECTATION- totally unexpected character – can’t predict what he will do!
Let’s talk about some other characters. I want “Walder Frey” & “Lord Bolton” to die asap, Remember “Rains of Castamere”? However, Bolton is important & witty, his role is important to run the story. Ser Davos may die as per the sacrifice-ritual of Lady Melisandre, I said “may”. Gendry – don’t know where he is! And will we see him or not, not sure. Ser Alliser – “with me now – now with me” lol – Lady Stoneheart – Oops the North remembers! Need this character asap, want Frey dead.

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