Thursday 16 October 2014


There are so many ways to provide shape and size of a human body. No, I am not talking by some medical procedure, I am talking about the food/plant by which we can change our physique, and you may say some protein supplement can do it, but I am talking about a food, which provides more protein than all these protein supplements that food known as Spirulina. Spirulina is a micro alga that appeared on Earth there are over 3.5 billion years, which puts it among the oldest terrestrial beings. It grows in both fresh and salt water, 100 grams of Spirulina provides 1213 KJ (290 K cal) of energy, 24 g of carbohydrates, 7.72 g of fats, 57.47 g of proteins and many other essential vitamins.
Spirulina is termed as, “super food”, it contains high amount of protein, minerals and vitamins, it is capable of curing many deficiencies, and diseases even cancer. Yes, it is capable of fighting against cancer too, because it contains the tendency to increase the interleukin-12 in the body, which has the power to fight against the carcinogenic agents.
This super food can help in gaining the weight, a number of skinny people use various protein supplements, which are available in the market, and they should know that these supplements would not give them the weight, which they desire, because they do not work for everybody. Spirulina is a natural supplement, which works for everybody, it increases the appetite and which results in improved digestion, and subsequently it leads to the improved excretory system. When the system of a body is good and healthy, it results in great physique. Likewise, Spirulina helps in losing the weight.
It has beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant, which improves the glow on the face and subsequently results in anti aging, many people of the age 30-40, but their face shows a different story, this super food is essential for them to fight against aging properties.

Spirulina has many health benefits, if I write each and every, one of them you may be tired of reading. In addition, I believe, in the 21st century, many countries are suffering from poverty and their people facing malnutrition, for those countries this super food can provide enough nutrition. They would not suffer from malnutrition and hunger, if they provided enough amount of Spirulina. It is available in flakes, tablets and capsules and the cost of this is not much.

It can also provide revenue to the people who harvest Spirulina in their fields, majorly ponds. It can grow there and I believe it can transform the economic condition of those farmers. It may be a super food, but I believe it should be termed as “Super-Boon”.

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