Tuesday 16 December 2014

A Day In History

It’s 16 December, this day has a great importance in the history of Indian Defense, and today I am going to share about an incident, which created a new nation. On this day, 33 years ago under the command of General Sam Manekshaw India created a new nation, Bangladesh, from the map of Pakistan. India in collaboration with Eastern Pakistan started Operation Chengiz Khan against the barbarism and cruelty of Pakistan army, who were slaughtering millions of people in the East Pakistan. The war lasted for 13 days, and it made 90,000 to 93,000 Pakistan Armed Forces with paramilitary personnel as war prisoners by Indian army. In addition, Pakistan faced a huge humiliation from this incident.
This is Sam Manekshaw.
Indian Army is in Bangladesh.
Your Air force is, destroyed.
You are, surrounded on all sides and if you do not surrender,
You all will be killed unmercifully.”
-          Sam Manekshaw during the war

General Manekshaw planned every move very carefully and strategically, he created pressure on Pakistan Army very bravely and which resulted in the victory of India. The pictures of signature between Lt. Gen Arora and Lt. Gen Niyazzi are the best memory regarding the war. India won the war from every side, in air, water or land. Moreover, India defeated Pakistan Army in Eastern and Western fronts of the border.
Our Army created a nation for the sake of the native people. India could exaggerate the war and could do more harm for Pakistan, but after freeing Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, India concluded the war. Indian army was brave and humble; we have done big harm for the Pakistan in minimum sacrifice.
After winning the war, Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto signed Shimla agreement, which ensured the Independence of Bangladesh and returning of POW's. India treated all the POW's in strict relation with the Geneva-Convention, rule 1925. It released more than 90,000 Pakistani POW's within five months.

The agreement also gave back more than 13,000 km² of land that, Indian troops had seized in West Pakistan during the war, though India retained a few strategic areas. However, some in India felt that the treaty had been too merciful to Bhutto, who had begged for leniency, arguing that the fragile democracy in Pakistan would crumble if Pakistanis took the agreement as being overly harsh and that he would be, accused of losing Kashmir in addition to the loss of East Pakistan.
This day is to remind the sacrifice and bravery of Indian Army. I want to say that we love you; you have made us proud every time, Indian Army. You are the best, whenever we need you-you are always there for us! Thanks

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