Friday 20 February 2015


The last time Mike Bloomberg visited India was in a while before he was elected mayor of New York City in 2001. However, as the role of India on the global stage is rapidly growing, he is in India. Here's why:
CLIMATE RELATIONSHIP – Since the last nine month the Government of India (GOI) has become a leader in the global effort to confront climate change. The voice of India will be significant to the ongoing conversation, which is occurring in the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Paris at the end of this year. As the U.N. Secretary-General's Special representative for Cities and Climate Change, he is working to construct the support for the climate talks. Some part of this work involves helping national leaders understand how much development can be made if they empower their nation to take action -- an idea that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is strongly dedicated to.
SOLAR POWER – At the time of President Obama's visit to India last month, Prime Minister Modi reminded his promise to expand the India's clean energy production, and he has set a highly motivated goal. The Indian PM wants to boost the share of solar power in India's energy market from less than 1 percent to more than 10 percent by 2022. The PM wants to offer solar grids to the
During his visit, he will give a speech at a clean energy conference and meet with the industry and government leaders who are attending that conference. Such kind of interaction will not only provide electricity sources to the people but it will save hundreds of billions of the nation on electricity & power.
SMART CITIES - India is undergoing urbanization at an astonishing rate. By 2030, nearly 600 million Indians will live in cities. Prime Minister Modi has documented that these new, larger cities can be the anchor in sustainable development. Narendra Modi is supporting an idea to make "Smart Cities" throughout the India, where investments in modern infrastructure will provide a number of new jobs and gain new investment. There Mike will look at the conversation with Modi to discuss about the smart cities plan, which will boost economy.
ROAD SAFETY - Road crashes are a big problem in India, where more than 300,000 people are killed in traffic accidents every year. The foundation of Mike Bloomberg has been improving road safety in countries where the problem is extremely harsh, including India, by lessening drinking and driving, improving dangerous roads, amplification of laws of traffic, and promoting mass transit. During his tenure as mayor, road safety was an essential part of his public safety agenda -- and he had success in reducing the number of deaths on the road.
THE INDIAN YOUTH - India is the largest democracy and the second largest country in the world. It is also one of the youngest countries, near about half of its population is under the age of 30. This generation is approaching of age at a time when India's economy has recently become the fastest growing in the world, which will help lift millions of people out of the poverty. The future is looking bright for the nation, and as the owner of a global business, a philanthropist who is committed to improving lives around the planet, and an advocate for comprehensive immigration reform in Washington, I am confident that the U.S.-India relationship will continue to grow stronger.
When it comes to the important issues India will have a seat at the table. The impact of Mike Bloomberg will be bigger, and it will help entrepreneurs and business houses to make the next move. Hope this will be a great step in Indo-U.S. relations!

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