Wednesday 4 February 2015


Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) is a mathematician; he is good in breaking codes, crosswords and various puzzles. He is intelligent, but stammers a lot and many times, he faces difficulty as he has low self-confidence. He has a deep attention in cryptography as his friend Christopher Morcom develops this interest in him. Now, there is one hidden fact about our friend Turing and that is - he is a ‘gay’. Yeah! You heard it right, he is homosexual and I think due to this he cannot express his views and emotions properly.
Anyways, during the world war - ǁǁ in 1939, he joins the cryptography team of Hugh Alexander, John Cairncross, Peter Hilton, Keith Furman and Charles Richards under the command of Commander Alastair Denniston. The main objective of this team is to break the codes that are, transmitted by Nazi Enigma machine. It is really; difficult for them as they do not where they should need to start, and what they need to do more. When they are getting something the day ends. In between, Turing decides to design a machine, which can decrypt the messages. Winston Churchill helps him in fund raising and that is why he get, whatever he desire for that machine.

He named it as “Christopher”, at the start he finds it tough, as the machine is not responding to anything. The days are getting, passed and nothing happened. However, in between the machines starts to work due to the brilliance and the spark of Alan Turing. He uses the pattern of codes in a different manner and hence he gets the success at the end. However, England cannot explain to anyone that they have broken the Enigma code, as the German forces will change the Enigma settings and they need to find those Enigma patterns again and the war will be continued for 2-5 years more. The contribution of this group, especially Turing, was remarkable and he was a hero. On the contrary, he was, sentenced by the British law of being a ‘homosexual.’
I think Mr. Turing saved a number of lives all over the world. Without the brilliance of him, I think the world would have faced huge deaths, loss of economy and it will be tougher for them to revive from that. I loved this movie and the plot of the story, Mr. Cumberbatch played the role very adequately. This movie was, nominated in the Oscars of 2015. You must see this movie and inspire others to see it as well. I think Alan was a war hero, he did not fire any bullet, but seriously, he shot the German forces really-really hard!

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