Thursday 29 January 2015


                                                           MAJOR CHANDPURI
I am watching ‘Beating Retreat’ on T.V. and I am glad to see such a discipline, dedication, enthusiasm and obedience of our defense personnel. That is why; I am going to talk about Indian Army and a very famous story of the soldiers, which happened in Longewala, Rajasthan in the war of 1971. The desert is one of the own kind of geographic conditions on Earth; you can feel 50 degrees heat in the day and the temperature below five, at night. It means there is a huge variation in the desert. How our soldiers created a remark there? It is one of the most inspiring stories of all time.
In the war of 1971 against Pakistan, there was a post in the Thar, Rajasthan, named as Longewala. It was, guarded by 23rd Battalion, Punjab regiment, who was in the command of Major Kuldeep Singh Chandpuri. On December 4, 1971 near about 2000-3000, Pakistani soldiers full of ammunition, guns, tanks and food. During the December month, the temperature in the desert is not bearable and it takes so much courage to survive that.
That time Indian Air Force did not have fighter jets, which could fly in the night; hence, air support was not an option. The Punjab regiment soldiers were facing a deficiency of every logistic and material. However, they had courage, will, determination and patriotism for the nation. It was more than enough to counter the Pakistani, Major Chandpuri was capable of holding the post and every soldier was loyal to their chief. The war started and Pakistanis tried to threaten the soldiers by verbal abuses, and what they will do to them when they will win the post!
Major Chandpuri was, remained with two choices, either to try and hold out until having reinforcement or to order a concrete on foot retreat of his company to Ramgarh. However, valiant Chandpuri refused at the time of adversity, not to back out and running from one bunker to another. He held the post with 120 men and answered enemy’s bullets via bullets. 
When the daylight broke, India Air Force operated powerfully. They sent HF-24 Maruts and Hawker Hunter aircrafts to help the Longewala post and in no time, the fleet led by Air Controller (FAC) Major Atma Singh in a HAL Krishak turned the battle in India’s favor. There was no air support from Pakistan’s side and they were facing a serious situation there. Maruts and Hunter aircrafts destroyed every tank on the side of Pakistan, as there was no tank in Indian side. They destroyed every tank and we won the war there in less than 12 hours. It was a fight of ‘David vs. Goliath’ and we held the post with a minimum loss (2 deaths, I think). They planned to have the breakfast at Ramgarh, lunch in Jaisalmer and dinner in Delhi, but they were not able to cross 1m into the Indian Territory. 
                                          SOLDIERS CELEBRATING AFTER THE WAR
Wow, seriously, this was a great example of perseverance, determination, will power, nationalism and patriotism. Whenever, I see ‘Border’ movie I get Goosebumps and feel proud of our soldiers, we are living happily because those men are standing on the borders for us. They use to sacrifice their happiness for us, so that we can live in our homes with our family. I respect Major Chandpuri and his men for protecting us at that time. I respect all those martyrs, who lost their lives for us. Anyways, thanks for reading it. I hope you enjoyed the article and yes, comments and likes are most welcomed.

Tuesday 27 January 2015


There is a political party in New Delhi, which use to portray themselves as the crusaders of the poor people in short ‘Messiah of Aam Aadmi’, the party is – Aam Aadmi Party. I simply call them as ‘Dharna Party.’ Their specialty – nothing, just to abuse few politicians and corporate and their motif is to create anarchy. However, why, the hell I am talking about them? I need to talk about the real voice of ‘Aam Aadmi.’ I would not discuss some people who always shame the common person and live a two faced life by the name of ‘common man.’
R. K. Laxman the famous cartoonist is no more among us. He inhaled his last breath on 26 January 2015 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was 94 years old, and a person who has contributed so much for the freedom of expression by his cartoons. He was associated with The Times of India since 1951, and his cartoons were the daily part of everyone’s life. He criticized many famous people of India, including former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by his cartoons. He was the voice of ‘common man’ in the India and always raised the issues that had social concerns. He struggled for the liberty of media and freedom of speech; at the time of emergency, and then he disapproved the ideology and policies of Indira Gandhi. There are very few people, who raised the voice for the poor people and stood with the right thing - R. K. Laxman was one of them.
I made a rough character sketch between the real ‘Aam Aadmi’ and some people who try to be the ‘crusaders’ of poor and common people. I feel hurt that Mr. Laxman is no more- a voice is now silent. The tone that showed Government the real meaning of democracy and aware them with the problems of poor people. May he rest in peace! I hope the so-called political party of New Delhi could learn the real meaning of ‘common man’ from his cartoons and stop creating chaos in New Delhi. Thanks for reading it.

Saturday 24 January 2015


Today, I will talk about one of my favorite Television series- Game of Thrones. Hey! Do not make an image about me, which is somewhat cheaper. Neither I have violence in my mind-which is, related to blood shredding, nor I use to plot some cheap traps for people around me, and what can I call about the lust thing, sorry! This article is about the relationship about the Game of Thrones and life. Yeah, you read it right; I am going to make a good relationship between GoT and our life. I will make you agree at the end that there is a big liaison of this awesome TV series and life. I will discuss some of the things that I can relate with Game of Thrones:-
In GoT, every person is planning something against the other person. Like Stannis Baratheon plans against The Lannisters. Cersie plans against anyone who is capable of being the king of the Westeros. It can be a good thing if you are backstabbing the wrong people, but people do not see this they do whatever suits them. They are ready to betray their friends, family and near ones, but believe me we always choose the most trustworthy person, who believes in us and who can be a loyal mate without benefit. Hence, this thing is quite similar to GoT, so think before backstabbing your friends.
In GoT, every person either it is a man or a woman; they want to be the King or Queen of the Kingdom. They are ready to set their dignity, their pride and their belief just to achieve their personal gains. They can use anyone so that they can be the person sitting on the iron chair. The same thing occurs to us in our life, we meet a number of people who are ready to change their sides, when they find personal gains from another person. A friend can be a stranger when he finds someone more powerful or richer than us. Therefore, another point goes in my favor.
3.      VIOLENCE
We can be lenient to someone and same by the side we can be strict to someone. We have so many emotions for a particular person. One of the most hurting emotions for someone is – anger/violence. Whenever we find to hate and hurt one person the thing, which we wants to do at the end is to perform some violence with him. True is that, are you thinking what I am talking? Just think! Have a look at your life make a perspective. I want to be frank with you; yes, I want to hurt someone whenever I am angry. There may be 99% of the people among us, who wants to do the same, so our emotion is similar to the GoT.

In GoT, everyone has his or her business with any other person; it means no one has the bonding or affection for anyone. They are with them as long as they have the business for someone; we can witness this in our life too. Close friends become an enemy- we do not know when it can happen. You have been extra cautious in choosing and trusting your friends, you must make friends, but only trustworthy, who do not betray you.
There is one of our friends, who resembles with Tyrion Lannister in our life. The person is witty, intelligent and he can outplay our thinking at any time. The person cannot be, understood properly, we need to observe his character, but every time he outplays us. The person is full of talents, but reveals only some of them at his own choice.

This was my analysis of Game of Thrones; yes, you may agree or disagree with my points, but believe me whatever I have written is, done by full research and observation. I am also a student of Human Psychology and a fan of Game of Thrones series; therefore, I made this article. I hope you enjoyed my article, if I made any mistake, please make a comment and suggestions are, welcomed too.

Monday 5 January 2015


Today, I want to share one of my most favorite topic, the topic is – Technology. Every time I hear from people, that “XYZ” technology was, discovered in some nation, cell phones were, invented from some specified nation, super computers were, given by that nation; this was, given by that nation, etc., etc. Every time the people gave me one thought, the thought was – India never given anything to the world and human race. They gave me one feeling that we are the poorest and we never achieved anything in the race of human evolution. There are many example and you know, those example are never presented in front of the Indians. Our achievements in the human race are extremely big, there are many examples but today I will talk about air travel technology, which is, done with the help of one instrument – called as, Airplane. We know from history books – Wright bros. (1903) were the first people, who invented airplane but do you know it was one Indian who, invented airplane 8 years ago before Wright bros. The Indian was –Shivkar Bapuji Talapade.

He was born in 1864 in Mumbai and he constructed and flown first unmanned airplane, the first controlled, mechanized, powered and lighter airplane. He named it as Marutsakha; he had good knowledge about Vedas and Sanskrit literature, and he invented that plane with the help of “Vimanashastra” – a literature written by Pandit Subbarya Shashtri. His guide was, equally credited for this invention.
This machine was, based on Vimana, ancient flying machines from Vedas. This Marutsakha took off, to a height of 1500 feet and then came down without any damage. The plane was, controlled by remote and its flight was, witnessed by Mahadev Govind Ranadey and H. H. Sayaji Rao Gaekwad. The re-construction of Marutsakha was, shown at an exhibition on aviation at Ville Parley, and HAL has saved the documents related to the experiment.
Much people do not know the contribution of Shivkar Bapuji. Everyone knows about Wright Bros. but nobody knows that it was he, who invented airplane before them. This article is not about to disgrace Wright Bros. but it is about telling the real story and contribution. Our ancient literature is full of good knowledge, and astonishing inventions. I will talk about other inventions as well in the future, which were, performed by Indians.
Indian ancient technology was, advanced – but Indians scientists never believed in patenting their work, the knowledge was free and we never charged any money. I hope that in future people will never look at Indians in disgraced manner.

Thursday 1 January 2015

10-Things, I want to do in 2015!

It is 01-01-2015, 2014 was full of various events in my life. A farewell - completed my graduation, an internship, a new business and many other emotions. The year 2014, gave me many memories for a lifetime; I achieved many things and on the other hand lost many opportunities as well. I fulfilled many wishes of mine and this year I do have many wishes. Today I want to share my 10 things, which I seriously want to achieve in 2015. Let me tell you the 10 things:

1.      A Road Trip with Friends – No matter which place, I just want to travel with my friends, a car, some friends and a journey. All I want in 2015. Any place and anytime!

2.      Adventurous Sport- I want to play any adventure sport. It can be Para-gliding, hang gliding, bungee jumping, river rafting, trekking, etc.  I just want to risk my life so that, I can understand the value of life. 

3.      Starting a New Business- I have completed my graduation in Civil Engineering. Therefore, I just want to tell you, I have a desire to start and business and expand it. The challenge is not an easy task, but someone has to do it for the society and nation.

4.      Visiting a New Nation- I seriously want to achieve this desire. I have completed 22 years of my life in India, now I want to step in some other nation too. It can be Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka or can be USA. All I want is to go outside of the nation.

5.      Cooking, & Cooking- I am Capricorn by birth, and the biggest talent of a Capricorn person is that they can cook.  I love to cook and it is my passion as well. Therefore, I will search more recipes on the internet and will try them; simultaneously I will post them in Wordpress.

6.      Regular Exercise- This is also my new year’s resolution. I will do regular work out, it can push-ups or gymming. It can be running or yoga. I will do regular exercise!
7.      Take Regular & Sound Sleep- I have a bad habit of late sleeping. Sometimes I sleep at 2 A.M. This year I will not do this. I will try to sleep at 11 P.M. every night.

8.      Taking Some Days & visit an unknown place- I want to take some days off and visit a place that nobody have ever seen. I want to take a backpack and some food, then go there and spend some time to know myself.

9.      Purchase Some Good Gadgets- Whenever I see an Apple phone or tablet, I always want to purchase it. That is why, this year I will fulfill my desire!

10.  To perform one good work for the nation every day- It is the duty of every person to do anything good for the society. It can be associated with cleanliness, social concern, social inspiration, etc. However, I will perform and repeat it every day.
I hope you have achieved my article!

I am waiting for your comments and feedback!