Tuesday 31 March 2015


You want to be a Chief Minister in India? Say Yes! I know you will say yes, and you want to achieve it, whether you are a politician or not. I observed some people for the last 5-6 months in India and in this article I will give you a 10-point agenda by which you can surely be a Chief Minister in the upcoming elections. Okay! So let’s start it:
·         First of all associate yourself with some NGO, if you do not want it; start your own. Now the job of an NGO in India is not what you are thinking – the role of NGOs is highly suspicious, you have to manipulate some data and make it original. You have to prove that you’re working! Now, what you need is foreign funding, as you have to bear the expense of the upcoming events. You have to make a group and you need to fund them as well.
·         The next step is to get media attention and how can you obtain it? By organizing some gripe against some big MNC or some politician. You need to perform a scripted outrage and you need some media to highlight you on the television. Now media attention means some participation in debates, reports and in documentary.
·         You must have links in Government like with clerks, bureaucrats etc. Your relative can play a good role in this. Who can leak information for you! You need some information related to corruption like something done wrong by some bureaucrats or politicians.
·         Now you have got foreign funding and you know some information in Government. You have media support as well! What do you need to do??....Think…..Yes, you are right another protest in the streets, get some media friends who can capture your events all day and create anarchy in the streets.
·         If you can construct it - make this protest even bigger. When you do protest some anti-national groups fund you even more and you can create a phony crowd by this money on a hiring basis. Now you will get support from some good & famous people, use them for your purpose. They will introduce you to other people as well and who can have more influence than the previous people. Use them!
·         Now you should have social media accounts like on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. and you must post once in 30 minutes about the things. People, especially illiterates & sycophants will follow you; you have to attract more people and must spoil their thinking by providing unnecessary & fake information. You must talk about poor people & how they are suffering so that emotions can gain you more sympathy.
·          Now you need to finish the movement and smash the movement and its idea. You need to gather few people who have little experience in politics and who have some knowledge about administration. Start your political party, name it anything you want, and start your movement as a political party. Remember, you will have support from the media (propagandist) & some people who are disillusioned by your speeches.
·         Now contest the upcoming election but before that you need to malign the image of some existing politicians and portray yourself as superior & honest than them. You need more press briefings, media highlights & social media support to create a referendum for you. Therefore, contest the election on the basis of this fake hype & believe me people are really dumb that whatever they see they believe! They will be trapped in your agenda and you may win the election or at least you will stand second in the list.
·         If you could not win, then you need to accuse the winner every time that they are doing “Horse-Trading” and planning to create a social division. If the winner could not form a Government (as they have no required number) then you can be a CHIEF MINISTER. You have achieved your agenda now do whatever you want, if you are able to provide justice to people then good, start your protest and movements in the streets, create anarchy as you have expertise in this.
Now if you want full control on your party throw the people out of your party who are more learned that you and who have expertise in this field than you. After sometime you will be one man show and you are the boss now!

Monday 16 March 2015


According to Kautilaya – If you don’t have good relations with the neighbors, your kingdom cannot sustain longer and in the long term your people will suffer heavily.

In the modern era, if you have good relations with neighbors, especially in international politics, you have a better and secure future. When I am talking about neighbors it means, I am talking about bigger and smaller nations. I live in India, and we have many neighbors, some are loyal to us, some are our rivals, some are our competitors and some are “two-faced”. We need to have good relations with each and every neighbor country. Today I will discuss how the present foreign strategy of India will strengthen our relations with our neighbors, who were ignored in the last decade. 

In the last two decades, the one thing India lacked was the “sweet relationships” with smaller nations around us. Relationship with nations like Bhutan, Seychelles, Mauritius, Nepal and Sri Lanka were not on the right track. We had affection for the USA, and we gave too much priority for USA but we had not much contact with these small nations. We gave importance for “super-powers” of the world and we unnoticed these nations. It compensated us heavily in defense and security sector, as their Government was not helping us and intruders as well as spies were entering our nation. Now, who are these spies? From which nation they belong? We had not much idea. A nation like China was making influence in these nations and was developing them as per their requirement. Always remember, China and India have a bitter history, and in Asia both nations are struggling to be a super power in this region. The race is for the spot no. 1, a supreme force in this province. India believes in competition, but China believes in monopoly. India believes that small nations (that I mentioned above) should rise above in every sector, but China wants its development more than any others. And that is why China was making good bonds with small nations in the Asian continent, so that it can manipulate them whenever it want and India was scarce this department. Every nation was becoming Pro-China & Anti-India, and believe me we were facing a typical situation as the USA was playing a twofold game with us. On one hand, they were helping our rivals, especially Pakistan and on the other hand they were showing themselves as our “friend”. We paid really heavily in terms of investment, security, foreign policy and else. The neighbor did not believe and invested in us and did not provide us the support which we were expecting from them. You can say we were in the tight path!

However, now we have a new leader named as Narendra Modi and a foreign minister Sushma Swaraj, who are working day and night on making “fruitful” relationship with our neighbors. Prime Minister Modi visited Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Mauritius & Seychelles, and each and every nation got something from us, it might be financial help or technology. Now believe me our neighbors either its big shot like Japan or Russia or small nations like Bangladesh, Bhutan etc. are with us and helping us in many platforms. This is what we want, we want to have good relations even with China, we do not need war, and we want peace and prosperity in Asia and all over the world. This is what was missing from our nation and present Government is successful in achieving that. I want more and more success in foreign policy and better relations with our neighbor and other foreign nations. As foreign policy is the factor of raising investment & trust in one nation. That is why relations are important with small nations as well, so that we can avoid a war and increase our trade. We should weigh both developed & developing nations equally. Every nation should be our friend & accomplice.

Thursday 12 March 2015


Swine flu which is also known as H1N1 flu, pig flu and hog flu is an infection caused by the swine influenza virus. This kind of virus is very common in pigs, and swine influenza virus (SIV) is widespread all over the world. The transmission of influenza virus from swine to humans is not common and it not always leads to human influenza, often it results in the formation of antibodies in blood. The people who are in regular touch or exposure with the pigs are at a higher risk of swine flu infection. Also by eating the meat of infected animals (if that is not cooked properly) can cause the infection too.

The swine flu is a problem all over the world and many people have died due to this. It is a global problem hence I am going to tell you the AYURVEDIC TREATMENT of this infection. The contact from infected animals to uninfected animals and humans is the route of transmission. People who work with swine & poultry, meat processing workers and veterinarians are at a high risk of swine flu.

The symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, and aches in the body, headache, chills and muscle fatigue. In some cases the patient experiences diarrhea and vomiting also. The death occurs due to the respiratory failure, pneumonia, high fever, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. The victims are mostly young children & elder people.

As per the Ayurveda, prevention is always better than cure, and the main ambition of Ayurveda is to sustain the health of a person. As stated in it:
“Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam…”
Here are the few preventive measures according to modern science and Ayurveda.
Swine flu doesn’t spread by pork products, as the virus is not transmitted by food but it spreads between humans by coughing, sneezing and contacting people physically. Therefore, to have immunity you must do Pranayama (Yoga) like Kapalbhanti and Bhastrika, it will increase the lungs capacity and immunity to fight any infections from the viruses.
You need to have immunity as it is spreading at a high rate and by using Indian Methods anyone can prevent it.

·         Turmeric- 1-2 Gm
·         Cloves- 5-7
·         Black pepper (not powdered)- 3-5
·         Tulsi (Ocimum Tenuiflorum)- 5-7 leaves
·         Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)- 1 inch long stick
These are the ingredients as per the Ayurveda. Now you need to add them in a glass of water and you need to boil the complete mixture. You must boil them for at least 5 minutes and then separate the Kadha (tea) and the ingredients using sieve (chalni).

This way is very reliable and it will prevent anyone from swine flu. I request you to use it and recommend it to others. It has no side-effects, but if you are in serious condition, you must consult a doctor. I do not believe in Allopathy, it is useless and costly, I am a strict believer of Ayurveda hence I shared it with you.

Saturday 7 March 2015


On 16 December, 2012 a monstrous proceed happened on the roads of Delhi. A girl, assume the name as “Nirbhaya”, was first gang-raped and then brutally physically assaulted. In the next year i.e. 2013, UPA Government gave permission to BBC to shoot a documentary on the rapists as they wanted to know his mindset. Now, what I am going to say in the next 700-800 words is extremely factual and if you are my Facebook friend, Instagram Friend, Google+ friend and Wordpress friend, you must read each and every line on this article, which is based upon the controversy of the documentary that is ‘India’s Daughter’. Now let us start the article:

A journalist of BBC, Leslee Udwin, shot a documentary on the rapist named as, Mukesh Singh, where she was asking questions to the twat and that twat was replying in the mode that he was guiltless and it was the fault of the girl who didn’t surrender herself among the rapists. Now, let me clarify, I would not show any respect to the rapist, hence I will call him, the Twat and I do not support his views, which he gave to the BBC journalist. Now we cannot depict every person with the same color, every guy does not feel like him, people like me who are in majority condemn his opinions and ideology. But, a number of women are visualizing us from the same spectacles as they are doing for that twat. I do not think like him about women and I believe rapes occur due to the poor mentality of men, yes, not every man is a rapist, but there are few who commits this crime and they are mentally sick people.

Let me clarify at first a girl, in every corner of the world, has the right to wear (whatever she wants), eat & drink (whatever she wants) and she has the right to choose her friends and career. No one has the authorization to obstruct in her life; it’s her choice to live her life, the way she wants to live. However, still rapes occur all over the world and that is shameful. Such heinous act occurred in Delhi as well and the accused got no punishment till now as he was minor that time. His partners in this crime who were adult that time got the punishment. NDTV and the BBC got the permission to shoot the documentary in 2013, and they paid Rs 40, 000 to that twat to perform in that video. In that video, the rapist is expressing his point of view and the journo Leslee Udwin is glamorizing him. Now, here is a catch THE VIDEO WAS SHOT IN 2013, but the media didn’t show it for 2 years. The plan is not about showing the analysis of the rapist in fact, the plan is to deteriorate the reflection of India in front of the world. Yes, you read the right thing, a number of foreign missionaries along with the corrupt media and Indian NGOs are operational on this plan.

Since the Modi Government took the charge in the center, they have made a good shift that is banning the foreign funding of various distrustful NGOs whose aim is to create anarchy and hinder the nation’s development. They use to pay or purchase various media channels and newspapers that project these NGOs right and portray the Govt. as a scoundrel. Yes, Indian media is like a “prostitute” who can do anything for money and incentives. But, the Govt. has stopped their funding sources as well, now media and NGOs are screaming and they are doing every possible thing so that Govt. admit defeat in front of them and permit their funding. However, Government is not going to surrender at any cost and neither will they, in fact, they will make these NGOs and media people to work honestly for the nation’s welfare. There are some very good news media channels and newspapers who are not biased and they show right picture among the people. However, they are few.
I know one day this corrupt media will work for the nation as they are also Indian, but the path to achieve that is really long and tough. I hope we will achieve this success soon!

Now, I will talk about why foreign media are portraying India as a ‘rape country’. Since NDA Govt. took the charge in Delhi, they have focused on two things;
1. Cleanliness
2. Tourism
Both are important and both are related to each and other and in result they generate economy for any nation. If a tourist doesn’t find cleanliness in a city and they will have a wrong impression about that nation eventually and they would not return again. During the last year from May-December the tourism industry was in explosion due to the efforts. Cleanliness + Tourism = Generates income for any nation. By portraying this false image in front of the world, tourist would not come to India, they will think India is not safe for women & girls and there is a chance that they can be physically assaulted here. The reality will be different and if their plan gets successful Indian tourism industry will pay so much for this. 

Think for a second a woman living in Sydney, Australia sees this kind of documentary in her nation, she would not think why they are showing this and what is the purpose behind. She will say to everyone that India is not safe for women while the reality is something else.
In USA and in European nations every second woman is raped but no one makes a documentary on the rapists there. It’s India, and I told you the reason behind this plan. Now my friends think before criticizing the Indian Government and Indian people, what do you want? You want prosperity in the nation or you want anarchy?

India is safer for women it is far better than USA, UK, Sweden and else. Yes, there are some problems, but believe me those problems will be countered in some time. The nation is in good path, investment is flowing in the nation and our Prime Minister is doing good work in every sector, either its infrastructure, electricity, job employment, women security or else. Many foreign countries do not like this that is why they are projecting us in this manner. So I told you the complete plan, now it is on you what you want friends? You want to see the rich heritage and monuments of India or you want to picture us in a false manner? You want to believe these insects (NGOs & Media) or you want to experience all kind of climates in one nation?